PPC Explained

Pay Per Click is when you pay search engines or social media platforms to actively drive traffic to your site. This can be done through keyword targeting as well as audince planning to show them clicakable dispaly ads.

Google Search

Normally, when your customers are looking for a solution, they do not know the provider. hence they search generally for that solution. If you can predict the words they use to search, which we call keywords/phrases, you can bid for those words such that your ad is shown among their search results.

Google Display

Think of display ads as digital billboards , but instead of being on the roads, they are on your target clients' screens. Display ads is where you share graphical image ads shown to clients as they are busy browsing what may be unrelated information on the internet. The kew here is to ensure that audience targeting is done well to

Facebook & IG Ads

Facebook and Instagram are a great platform for advertising for those business that are a great fit for the platform. 360 Digital offers a Best Fit analysis to assess whether your business will optimally benefit from FB/IG ads and later on go ahead to serve them for you.

Programmatic Ads

Through our range of programmatic advertising partners, we are able to assess your business's best fit for the same and connect you to start accessing the services. Programmatic advertising involves the automated purchase of online advertising using algorithms and third party data tools.

Twitter Trends/Ads

For brand awareness, we use our select team of micro influencers to promote a brand related hashtag to trend on Twitter. We also manage Twitter 'promotion' ads to help build community as well as improve engagement on the micro-blogging platform.